16 January, 2009

I Have a Cold

Calculus 3,
a class in which I know approximately 1 person. The guy I know came along for the ride with me from Calc 2. He sits next to me in class because I am one of two people he recognized from Calc 2.
He's nice enough, but I honestly don't know his name. No, no, this isn't a story about how I have a crush on him, follow his every move, cherish every breath he makes, or... anything. I'm straight. Straight as an arrow.

Anyway, I'm actually pretty sure he doesn't know my name either.

Caption: Jim playing guitar in my room.


  1. The above picture is me, Jim, not Jacob.

  2. And that Underoath poster is Jon's, not mine.

  3. I hope you like what you have read so far. It is only a sample of what is to come...

    In truth, I was going to make this story longer, but I looked at it and liked it best where it is.

    And... uh... my gay-dar detected your... uh... cat!! Oooh.

  4. Oh...
    Sarah, how did you know this was my blog post?
    There's two Jake's writing on here. Me and Jake Tucker.
    Anyway, you're the first person who came here.
