21 March, 2009

06 March, 2009

I'm Hungery

So it has been lent for just over two weeks, and even though I am not always fully sure of my opinions on all of this stuff (we won't get into this), I was thinking of doing something for it. At the very least you can consider lent being a catalyst. I was not quite sure what my plans were, either starting something new that I would consider productive to my life, or giving something big up that would be productive to my life. Seeing as I couldn't thing of the latter, I opted for the former. I was completely stumped for that one two, and, long story short, came up with a good idea outside of both of those.

I have decided not to eat on Fridays, which is not really productive, but when I thought about it, I just felt like it was a good idea. I don't know what I will get out of it, but if I'm lucky I might think about something, otherwise I'll just be a little hungry on Fridays. I decided it was more counting that giving up watching TV or computer or something during lent, which seems trivial and something I would've done in 5th grade. To extend it a little further, I am not calling it 12 AM Friday to 12 AM Saturday, because I feel it a cop-out to wait until midnight to eat. Instead I am counting from when I wake up until when I fall asleep on Friday.

It has turned out not to be that hard up until about 10 PM, at which I am just plain hungry. the downside of this is that I just woke up from a nap, so I won't be sleeping for awhile, and will just be very hungry.

04 March, 2009

New goal

As most of our in depth conversation occurred beyond the range of the interweb, no list was created. As me and Mr. Duffy have very long conversations every couple of weeks via the telephony, I will make it a goal to assemble a list of some sort when our next conversation occurs.

In the meantime I will resume reading the Watchmen, which I have recently discovered on somebody's computer on our college network...I feel bad because I have started reading it only 4 days before it's movie's release, and therefore am only slightly above a child who's favorite bands derive from guitar hero experience. In my defense, I had previously heard of the series, and have read other works of Alan Moore.

I am very much enjoying it, although he lets in some English terms occasionally. (I doubt New Yorkers frequently use the phrase "Called On") Jake seem to be of a different opinion of the whole thing, but as I have previously stated, I have found no reason to take stock in the others' opinions.

28 February, 2009


So, It's been nigh a month since anything has been put up here, and I have been informed to change that by my mother...I plan on hanging out with this guy Pat Duffy and his fried Bradley tonight, and we'll work on a list or something, probably about music or movies.

Update: I have, over the past couple of weeks, noticed a rise in the literacy of LOLspeak pictures, therefore rendering them no longer funny.

Edit: to lazy to upload a photo normally

02 February, 2009


So, over the past number of months, I've become rather consumed with webcomics. I have spent innumerable hours reading them. It has become so much of an obbsession, that I have decided to try and make some of my own. I'm going to put up a link once I finish the first one (tonight hopefully), and I am also considering starting myself an hourly comic blog.

UPDATE: I have just posted the first comic up. I'm not particularly proud of it, but I need to start somewhere. Hopefully if i keep to making at least 1 every week I'll start getting the hang of it.


24 January, 2009

Green Screening

This last week, we played around with green screening. By green screening, I mean I stood in front of my fuzzy blue blanket with Jim filming me. I'm at home right now, so I'm unable to upload the video that I have on my computer in Rolla. Nonetheless, for 4 guys in a dorm room, a cheap digital camera, lighting from two desk lamps, a fuzzy blue blanket and a lot of spare time, we're pretty satisfied with the results. I'll upload it to here as soon as I get back. Stay tuned for that.


Also, by random happenstance, I was in Calc 3 Thursday, when I was talking to that one guy and he said he didn't know my name. It made me extraordinarily happy, and I said we should probably keep it that way.

Parking Lot Ooze: It's Not Just a Band Name Anymore

I live in a dorm complex called the Residential College. Within a very short time of moving in, it became apparent to us that the parking lot was constantly damp. At first, we thought it was just a car leaking fluids or a hose. Little did we know, we couldn't have been more wrong with that assumption. Upon inspection of the parking lot, we discovered that it, itself, was oozing this mysterious liquid. It was then, that we knew we had to investigate this strange phenomenon.
Our first instinct was to examine the substance. After sending a sample of it to labs for testing, it was revealed that it cured cancer. This was shocking indeed and caused us to further our investigation. The ooze was obviously not being generated by the concrete, because concrete ooze currently only cures AIDs. We excavated the site revealing the source. We were shocked to find the following producing the cancer curing ooze:

We will continue to run tests on the specimen.

22 January, 2009

How's bout a song...or part of one

I've taken out the chord notation because it would probably just be boring...I still don't know about the second to last verse either....

About a hundred and forty odd years ago
there was a man alive that everyone knew
and there wasn't a doubt in the world
they could tell he's no good.

he was a bad ass mother fucking son of a bitch
a two timing bastard and a dirty snitch
he would murder his brother as long as he was getting his gold.

This Man, that roamed the west,
A shell, of greed and death,
This Man, that roamed the West,
Kills anything that crosses his path.

Well poor Billy Boy, he crossed his path, and everyone told him he wouldn't last,
They said that the man was pissed and he was looking for him.
Well, Billy wouldn't have none of this, He grabbed his gun with his work-worn fist,
Billy Boy wasn't gonna let go of his girl.

Oh Billy don't you go, You won't come back, oh Don't you know!
A Man like that won't let you get away

A loaded bottle and a loaded gun,
poured out of a barrel and shot through one,
one-twenty proof and a forty-five slug,
these men were out for blood.


This Man, that roamed the west,
A shell, of greed and death,
This Man, that roamed the West,
Kills anything that crosses his path.

Now it wasn't high noon in the middle of the street,
nah, folks like these don't have that sort of meet,
yeah the man busted in
to catch Billy in his Bed,

But Billy was waiting for him.

Well the man was shot, the deed was done
the girl was got, and the west was won
But now Billy Boy is on the run,
And the Law's got it out for him.

19 January, 2009

Summary of Sunday (for Jim)


-Tetris (damn you bobby)


-a Movie I don't like

-And an idea of our conversation (as I see it):
Jim, "I hate 65% of all the movies and shows you guys like."
Everyone else, "You hate everything, you stuck up beatnik."

and while watching the movie (Patriot):
Jim, "This wouldn't happen..."
Jakes, "Shut up Jim, we're trying to ignorantly watch this movie!!! We hate you."

17 January, 2009

Friday night at Rolla

End of the night, got about half of my song done...I think I'll be okay with it if i can successfully change keys. I would post some if it right now, but it is all on windows and I'm in the middle of putting together windows after much stress.

It was quite an uneventfully eventful night. Jon spent most of it watching videos of animals doing silly things, I helped Jake with some makeshift Bluescreening just for laughs, and Jake slept and watched Man of the House..........yeah...

Hopefully Jake will come with an update and show off the video he made.

16 January, 2009

Mr. Tucker's Opus

The first goal I set for myself this second semester in Rolla at the Missouri University of Science and Technology was to beat Roller Coaster Tycoon, having learned the first day we returned to this fair town that neither Mr. Gardner nor myself had ever completed the game, let alone made it through a certain level. Having nothing better to do Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays past the noon hour (both of our schedules are such that the class day ends at noon, after starting at eight and going strong for four continuous hours), we have spent countless hours already in this first week completing each level one by one, meeting the criteria for advancement and proceeding on, our goal getting closer daily.

If our goal is met, our lives will be complete and we will combust upon completion, smiling with great joy and satisfaction as our bodies instantly vaporize in a tremendous explosion.

Good luck to all in their own special endeavours, we'll see you on the other side.

I Have a Cold

Calculus 3,
a class in which I know approximately 1 person. The guy I know came along for the ride with me from Calc 2. He sits next to me in class because I am one of two people he recognized from Calc 2.
He's nice enough, but I honestly don't know his name. No, no, this isn't a story about how I have a crush on him, follow his every move, cherish every breath he makes, or... anything. I'm straight. Straight as an arrow.

Anyway, I'm actually pretty sure he doesn't know my name either.

Caption: Jim playing guitar in my room.

1st real post

Friday night...Jon and Jake are on the computer, and Jake is sleeping in bed, and I (Jim) am preparing to write down some song lyrics I came up with at dinner. We'll see how that goes...It a folk western, I don't intend too, but that genre may become my niche. Life in Rolla is pretty dull.


Welcome to Eduardo's Workshop, a blog created by Jakes, Jim, and Jon. I'm not quite sure whats going up here yet...soooo, yeah...